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An Actor, Singer, and Director, I currently reside in the State of Chaos.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Optimistically Challenged

Yeah, it's official. I am depressed.
i don't want to get out of bed.
I don't want to do anything.
All I really want to do is sleep, because at least my dreams are more interesting than my life at this point.
The only thing I have to look forward to is unfortunately far away, with no set time or date as to when it will actually happen.
I'm crying all the time.
My insecurities are taking over my mind, and seems to be getting worse as each day passes.
I have nothing going for me, as I've failed in life, and don't see any accomplishments in my near future...even though there HAS to be SOME reason why I didn't die a few months ago.
I'd say Life sucks right now, but I can't, because i don't have one.

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